dimanche, juin 11, 2006

Day 13 in Aus!

Obvioulsy we went to the zoo on our last day in Aus. It was a fabulous day & we had the zoo to ourselves as the rain had scared away the tourists. . . .wait we're tourists!!! It was an incredible day as we had synchronistic timing all day. First we happened to be arriving just as photo time with the Koalas started. Then we went to the Lions just as they were being fed, same with the Tigers & Bears, and we caught the Seal Show & just happened to be walking past when the bird show started!

I love animals! I've been to the Sydney Taronga Zoo so many times in my lifetime but never have I seen all of the animals in the way we saw them being fed etc. Usually they're comfortably lying down in the background somewhere. Infact our whole trip was just one of those perfect timing things. Every single day we had amazing coincidence of timing to enable us to do the most amazing things. Even the Sydney Harbour sunset cruise was about to leave when they stopped the boat so we could catch it!

My belief in synchronicity is that it's just a sign from the universe to let you know that you are in line with the natural order of things. I'm on the right track! I'm struggling with my spirituality in that when things go wrong I get angry, where as I should just realise that this is exactly what is meant to be for me right now & all I need to do is pay attention to what it means. When things go smoothly - I'm on the right path, when things block my way - change my thinking! It's funny that organising my trip back to Montreal was the only thing that went wrong on the whole trip!

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