dimanche, juin 25, 2006


This large spider is infront of the National Art Gallery. It cost 3.2 million dollars. Hmmm! I think Art is important but I wonder how many starving children would have been fed even within Canada for that amount. I know that sounds trite or cliched but so what? I dont really care what it sounds like, its true. I'm sure my sponsored child in Africa would wonder about how we spend our money, says me who just bought a new car & video camera. But there has to be a balance. We cant stop living just because others are suffering, but we can make better choices.

Also on our tour of Ottawa we saw another sculpture and as we awed at it's grandure the tour guide pointed out that the astrological instrument the man in the sculpture was holding, was upside down. At least the Government didn't decide to spend another $3 million fixing it!

Amphibious vehicle

In Ottawa we went on an Amphibious vehicle tour where you drive around the city seing the sites then you just drive into the water. It was so cool.

Here's evidenc of the plunge straight off the road into the water.

Judge Roe & Warren the witness

In our special guided tour through the Federal & Supreme Courts we were allowed to put on the Judges Robes & even sit in the judges chair (for the Federal Court only) In the Supreme Court we were only allowed as far as the podium.

The weird thing about the Federal Court was the energy in it. The energy was charged. When I sat in the judges seat I felt a sense of fairness, not power, and when I sat in the defendant chair I felt an overwhelming negative energy. It was so bad that I had to spiritually cleanse myself after we left. It was horrible, like waiting for someone to tell you if you're going to die or not. Although these seats have never been used for those decisions the feeling was just as intense.

The Supreme Court had a different feeling, more like the decisions that are made here were going to change the way Canada is run. The energy felt like I was in the middle of a debate.

Adventures of Warren & Roe in Ottawa

Our tour at the Supreme Court Posted by Picasa

So here we are in the Nation's Capitol. We came to claim Warren's birthday present from me, tickets to see Cirque Du Soleil's Quidam. This is my favourite Cirque show and Warren loved it, and to be honest I was quite fond of it of it myself. . . ok I loved it but I really bought the tickets for Warren. . . honest!

We had a blessed time as things were falling in our lap the whole weekend. The only downer was that I was sick with Sinus and feeling very under the weather. Although a few sinus tablets later & I was raring to go. . . .ok not raring, more like chugging along like a teenager learning to drive, negotiating gears & the clutch for the first time. But it was great. We went shopping, did a little touristing, (mostly sitting down stuff due to my lack of energy) and of course our Cirque trek. Shopping never requires energy, I wasn't going to let a headache, fever, lethargy, sneezing & general feeling of ill health stop me! Although I paid for it the next day when we went to Cirque because Warren almost had to carry me home. I was much worse & the sinus tablets had dehydrated me without me replenishing it! Oops! Tip #1 - people need water! Tip #2 there's always tomorrow to go shopping. Tip #3 Always drink lost more water than usual after long trips to Australia on a plane!!

Spirit Orbs go to Court

The Federal Court of Canada Posted by Picasa

With a couple of "guests" on the defendant's side.

Approach the bench! Posted by Picasa

Canada's Supreme Court Posted by Picasa

It took until 1982 to get a female Supreme Court Judge and it took until 2000 to get a female Chief Justice (who is still currently the Chief Justice.) That's awesome! So the last 6 years have been ruled by a woman! I wonder when the first Canadian Prime Minister will be a woman, or a First Nation person or any other group of people who have yet to be represented.

Changing of the Guard in Ottawa

Pulling up the rear - yes he's a kid Posted by Picasa

Police supervision, no its not a Mountie hence no horse! Posted by Picasa

The bagpipes played Amazing Grace. . .lovely Posted by Picasa

There is nothing more stirring than a pipe band playing Amazing Grace; even more spectacular when part of a ceremony in front of beautiful Parliament buildings. Even Warren got choked up with that one.

During inspection Posted by Picasa

Every time the soldiers moved their heads their fuzzy hats shimered. So during inspection the ceremony included the two higher ranks walking up & down the lines moving their heads up & down as they scanned their soldiers from head to toe. I laughed heartily everytime they did it with the little hat shimmer thing. It was very deliberate and cool. The building behind is Steven Harper's office (the Prime Minister of Canada for all you uninformed. . . .mainly the Aussies) Well actually his office isnt the whole building, just a little part of it.

The two inspectors and their fuzzy hats Posted by Picasa

The one on the left is a woman. Good to see high ranking female officers in the military.

Awaiting inspection Posted by Picasa

In front of Parliament Posted by Picasa

Perfect formation Posted by Picasa

Changing of the Guard band Posted by Picasa

New Digs

Warren & I went shopping in Ottawa and bought new clothes. Warren is standing outside the "Warren's" store.

THe other photos are of us enjoying our new clothes - and yes Warren is boogie-ing.

Notice the bright spirit orbs around us. They're a regular in my photos but not usually this bright as the one in the photo with Warren. I know hotel rooms usually hold different energies but I feel these were more spirits belonging to Warren & I as our trip this weekend was truly blessed.

First we got upgraded in our room, then we had the surprise Rib Fest, the surprise Changing of the Guard ceremony, the Mountie photo, the Supreme Court tour just for Warren & I for free! We just happened to be in the right places at the right time. And one of the most amazing co-incidences was that I saw Guy La Liberte (owner of Cirque Du Soleil and someone I admire greatly) driving out of the hotel as we were driving in. Just before we saw Cirque Du Soleil the next evening! Awesome!!

Architecture in Ottawa

Parliament buildings. The last one is a picture of the glass Canadian Money Museum with a reflection of an old Parliament building on the other side of the road.

Ottawa. . . .again

Warren & I went to the Nations Capitol again, Ottawa. Every time we travel we have amazing things happen. Even though we were in town to go to Cirque Du Soleil it also happened to be the first day of changing the guard at Parliament (the military with fuzzy hats,) we happened to be at the Supreme Court when a tour was going, with only us as tourists, & it was Ottawa's Rib Fest.

The first photo is me during the changing of the guard. It was awesome. They had a military band with pipes & drums, and regular band with french horns etc. They also had 3 groups of about 20 military personnel each who guard the Parliament buildings & residences of the Prime Minister Governor General. They have a season where they do this hour long event every day at 10am. They March up the street from the Governor's residence to Parliament Hill in full regalia & do a military changing of the guard which was spectacular.

2nd photo is of the Supreme Court of Canada. Read about our Supreme Court visit above.

3rd photo is Warren lining up for a rack of ribs. They were yummy!!! We had some from Kentucky!! And yes the people serving were from Kentucky & had Kentucky accents. THe Rib Fest with several competing Ribs makers go in competitions similar to Australia's Royal Easter Show competitions. They go around the country for a few days in each town with their Rib Fest.


This is Parliament in Ottawa with me & my friend "Claude Ouisneaux" actually that's what his name sounded like but I have no idea how to spell it as my Mountie friend had a very thick French accent.

Yes Claude is a real Mountie on real Mountie duties. He was so cute, when he moved on the footpath to move next to me for the photo he did it like he was on a military parade shuffling in to line. He was very nice but I'm afraid Mum that he said as much as he'd like to come & visit you in Australia his duties keep him here!! I also asked where his horse was - he said he was back at the RCMP stables, he didn't need him for the duties he had for today!

dimanche, juin 18, 2006


This is Warren's little Koala buddy. He was happily resting while the other people who wanted photos stood next to their perch under the watchful eye of the trainers. But with Warren he came right down & looked at him. Also notice the abundance of spirit orbs, our little Spirit buddies who show up everywhere.

This is Jessie the wonder dog. She started out being my brother's dog then when he moved to an apartment she ended up at Mum's but really she's the family dog! Everybody loves Jessie. She brings the paper in every morning much to Warren's surprise and she loves her walk in the park. When I arrive at Mum's she starts her warning bark until I call her name then she knows it's me & she starts yelping to let Mum know I've arrived. She does it every time & when my brother gets there she goes off the planet with excitement.

These dolphins were off over the other side of the pool until they came over tom me to say hello. I felt they knew I was there photographing them so they were showing off a bit.

And this little guy came right over to me. He's a Penguin that swam around below me. Just like Warren's Kookaburra dancing around infront of him while he took photos - it was quite weird. But both Warren & I do seem to have an affinity with animals.

Left Overs

Lots of leftovers from our Aussie trip. Jetlag leftover, the put on 5 kgs leftover, and here I have some leftover photos that I missed on my first round of uploading on the blog.

The first photo is Warren in the Queen Victoria Building. The beautiful architecture of this place is one of it's assets. . .the wonderful shops is it's second asset. Apparently it's a very haunted place as it goes into the underground railway system. I would consider this a third asset although many would disagree.

The second photo is my beautiful new niece & her mum. The other little girl is my step-niece who was fascinated by Shelley.

M&M is the family way of referring to Marty & Michele, my brother & sister-in-law. (in above photo) So I thought it was funny that all over Canada they have these M&M meat shops. I also thought it ws funny that if you read the sign down instead of across it reads M&M Max Members Seasoned Breasts!! Its a left over from one of my trips to Ontario.