mardi, janvier 03, 2006

Work & interesting People

This is Sabine who sits next to me & who I went shopping with last week. She's always helping me with my French, knowing my way around town & most important, my shopping! She's Lebanese and grew up with war surrounding her. She's a happy Canadian Lebanese now. People's lives are so interesting. When you go somewhere new you observe things around you more closely. My boss Anita had an amazing story about how she started at Nordia. She actually applied for a much lower ranked job but Don (the CEO) had other ideas. That's Jean-Francois in the picture behind Sabine. Most people in the office have French sounding names like Renaud, Pierre, Benoit, Leandro & Joelle. Even the way they say Roe with their French Canadian accents sounds very French.

This is my desk at work with my brand new laptop. After all my travelling it wont be new for long. I start travelling next week. I'm going to Cremazie, & Quebec City.

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