mercredi, janvier 11, 2006

Hansel & Gretel's house

This is my friend Melanie's house during the day. That's Melanie out the front. That's the St Laurent (Saint Lawrence) River that surrounds Montreal (yes it's an island) and Melanie's house overlooks it. Many houses are like this - its like being in a doll's village. Its beautiful.

Melanie & my other friend Sabine have gone above & beyond to help me with moving into my new apartment. They've driven me around to buy furniture, they've come & picked up my stuff and driven it to the apartment & carried it upstairs, Melanie even got one of her friends to pick up my lounge from the furniture store and take it to my apartment. I dont know what I would have done without the help of wonderful kind Canadian's like this. I'm overwhelmed at their willingness to help as if going out of their way is an every day occurrence.

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