mercredi, mai 31, 2006

My rainforest!

This is my sanctuary! Say no more!

Day 3 in Aus!

Springbrook, Numinbah Valley, Queensland, Australia. I took Warren to my favourite bushwalking spot in QLD near mum's house.

I just love this place. The rainforest in the above photos are also in the same spot. Now Warren knows what I mean when I say I want to go bushwalking, no highways beside it, no bitumen pathways, no thousands of people. . .well we ran into a school group or two but they soon moved along.

This is Warren with a stunned look on his face.

Day 2 in Aus!

DAY 2 started well with the family walk with the dog. Here's my sister Danielle, Warren & Jessie. THis park is right near mum's house & it's beautiful. After that we took Warren to a cafe at Currumbin beach right on the beach front & then went for a swim before dropping my sister back to the airport & seeing the Da Vinci Code in the afternoon.

It was Warren's first dip in the Pacific Ocean & it was spectacularly beautiful. The weather was warm & sunny, life guards were on the beach & the surf was low (so I didnt have to explain to Warren's mum how he got miles out to sea in 10 minutes flat)

We only had jumpers on here because it was 12 degrees in the morning but warmed up to 22 later that day.

An Aussie BBQ!

Yes we got straight off the plane, went to mum's, gave presents, went to my step sister's house & had a true Aussie BBQ, then Warren saw his first Kangaroo in the wild. . .all on the first day! And what a spot to have a BBQ.

My step sister lives in Sanctuary Cove or Millionaire City as I know it. You're no-one here unless you drive a car, a boat, a golf buggie & a remote control that makes the plasma screen drop down from the ceiling!

It was a lovely day & a beautiful storm rolled in but then the sunshine soon returned. It's actually 3 days before winter & as you can tell it doesnt get very cold here on the Gold Coast in winter!

Day 1 in Aus!

So we got off the plane & drove to mum's house. Warren tried to grab the non existent wheel on the passenger's side a couple of times & was freaked out by driving on the left - HA! About time he realised what I went thru! hahaha.

My sister had surprised me by flying up from Sydney to be here when I arrived! It was a very nice surprise. Either that or she knew there were presents and wanted to get a preview before we got to her place in Sydney next week!

The presents went down well including the Maple syrup, Canada shirt Mounted Police parking sign (no I didnt steal it!) and golf shirt from the oldest golf course in Nth America. Warren's mum had made a gift for Shelley my new niece & it was well received too.

The photos are my brother Marty, my mum Jeanette, sister Danielle & sister-in-law Michele.

Adventures of Warren & Roe in Australia

So off we went on Friday afternoon from Toronto & arrived in Brisbane Australia sometime Sunday morning. After having my butt sniffed by a quarantine sniffer dog ( that was very cute) we were allowed to pass through ready for our adventures in Australia. This is Warren's first trip outside his own continent so it was very exciting for him. Unfortunately the planes were packed so we were squished in like sardines in all 3 planes. This is our jet & this is Warren on the Jet.

lundi, mai 22, 2006

You know you're in Canada when. . .

You find RCMP traditional uniforms everywhere.
Even the local pharmacy has a few Canadian flags.

Canadians are quite patriotic but not in the American way. Its much more subtle but just as strong. Many houses display the Canadian flag and you cant go too far without hearing "eh!" I hear it less in Montreal or maybe I just miss it due to the French accent.

Niagara Falls in the Spring

Niagara Falls in the Spring Posted by Picasa

It was quite spectacular in the Spring also but I didnt go prepared with full coat etc. It's Spring, so I assumed it would be warm in Ontario as it's usually is warmer than Montreal. At Niagara it was 5 degrees with a chilly wind and I only had a light jacket. I guess Spring in Canada is a bit like Melbourne any time. Expect any weather, especially unseasonal weather. It had been quite warm of around 18 degrees on a regular basis then bam, just when I leave my warm jacket at home - it goes cold-ish again. And I suppose in true Canadian terms it wasn't that cold but it was when only wearing a Spring jacket. Never mind, a quick cuppa tea later & I had thawed. It was still very beautiful, but a word to the wise - parking fees trippled between winter & Spring, I wonder what they'll do in summer?

Souvenir shopping

Roe, Warren & friends Posted by Picasa

So we went souvenir shopping to find some uniquely Canadian gifts for my family when I travel back to Aus this week. It will be really strange being a visitor in my own country. We found some really cool stuff though, so everyone should be happy. And yes we had to buy the Moose droppings chocolate! What souvenir shopping experience is it without Moose droppings.

I am looking forward to seeing my family & Warren is looking forward to meeting them. If I look at my own blogspot - so much has happened to me since I left in Decemeber, I think I will look at Australia with fresh eyes. I think I will appreciate it a lot more, especially things like the beach. I used to live in Manly beach & although I appreciated it everyday, now I REALLY appreciate it.

Dream House

Warren & Roe's house (in our dreams) Posted by Picasa

We saw this house for sale in Niagara on the Lake and it is. . on the lake. I dont know how much it is but we want it. Niagara on the Lake is abot 15 minutes from Niagara Falls but much prettier in the neighbourhoods. Gorgeous houses. Cute shops, near one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. Pretty good eh? (hehehe) Now all we need is the millions to buy it - & we're set!

Flowers everywhere

A bed & breakfast in Niagara on the Lake Posted by Picasa

This beautiful lavender coloured bush was amazing. There are so many beautiful gardens & the grass is such a rich green. I was explaining to Warren that Australia has wonderful plants as well but it's somehow a more faded version. . . .but then again we have Sydney Harbour which is awesome; nothing faded about that.

Niagara on the Lake public transport Posted by Picasa

Warren's Birthday

Warren's birthday present from me. Posted by Picasa

Yes it really was Warren's birthday this week. Now we are the same age for 6 months until my birthday. You can't really see from this photo but this is quite a big screen tv, and as you can tell Warren is really happy with it. If you look closely in the left hand corner is Warren's old tv - there's a slight difference in size I think! I know we say size doesnt matter but sometimes it does!!

A natural seat with an unnatural pose Posted by Picasa

A good meditation spot Posted by Picasa

Maple trees everywhere

Maple woods Posted by Picasa

These are the same woods near Warren's house that we made snow angels in. It looks great with so much green. Woods are everywhere in Canada. You dont need to drive far to find some. These are 5 minutes from Warren's house and is our usual morning walk.

Provincial flower of Ontario - Trillium

Trillium - Ontario's Provincial flower Posted by Picasa

Trillians of Trillium

Tulip season

Tulip Season in Ontario Posted by Picasa

They're beautiful and only last a couple of weeks. Somethings are like that, they shine for a brief season then die off & become part of the earth, and the plant keeps going. It reminds me that everything has its season. And even something that lasts a short time can make an impact. Our lives are relatively short. Its our choices that define whether we make a difference or not. Sometimes we have to be willing to burn brightly for a while without fearing the end of the season. Sometimes we just need to enjoy the moment as it is. I'm trying to enjoy these moments I am in Ontario with Warren, then I go back to Montreal and feel like I'm in limbo - but then that's my choice too.

I want to burn brightly for a season, and keep growing through the other times when I have no bloom. I'm not sure what format that will take but me burning brightly would be something creative like working for Cirque Du Soleil, or making films, or writing music, or continuing my Spiritual Healing work with Lise to help others heal. Any one of those would allow me to live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasts. At the moment I feel like a new tulip who hasnt flowered yet. It'll come.

samedi, mai 13, 2006

A nice surprise

Warren sent me these flowers because we were apart this weekend. Ain't Love Grand! He'd remembered my favourite flowers and everything.