mercredi, août 09, 2006

Back to basics

One of my loves used to be skating on street courses like this one with ramps & jumps & stuff. I also liked the vert ramps of 5 or 6 feet high half pipe ramps. Unfortunately as you get older you dont bounce as well as you used to, so after a couple of injuries I gave it up and was tired of competing with all the 12 yr old boys who could do flips & get really good air. But it's very good exercise I do like it. So after driving past this skate park several times near my apartment I decided it was time to get back into it. I went & bought some new skates and got back into the game. Unfortunately its been about 8 years since I did this kind of thing and I'm a little out of practice. . .nothing like riding a bike. You do lose your skills for skating, but I dont think it will take me long to get back in it. It felt good even if it did nearly kill me. I'm so out of condition.

So in future shots you should see that gap between me & land increase!

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