dimanche, mars 26, 2006

You know it's Spring when. . .

You know it's Spring when. . .
. . . the dogs start sticking their head outside the car window.
. . . you can see the front door of your house in Quebec City.
. . .when you only need a level 3 type coat instead of a level 5.
. . .animals like birds are outside again.
. . .you can open the window in your apartment because it's not iced shut.
. . .it's over zero degrees during the day.
. . .snow tyres make this weird sound on the road like they're driving through water when the road is actually dry.

Yes Spring is here, officially started on March 21st but really started yesterday when it was 4 degrees outside & I saw my first puppy head out the window of a car. I walked to my local shopping centre WITHOUT a hat & gloves, and only a lev3l 3 coat!!! Amazing!

The photos are of Call Centres in Sherbrooke, then Quebec City with my friend Lynn Mayo who is the Operations Manager at Quebec, and this is Lynn's house in Quebec. The snow has melted considerably because you can actually see the front door. Lynn & I had fun while in Quebec, she's a real hoot! At Sherbrooke there is a river outside the Centre where the same man goes ice fishing. That's where you walk across the river of ice, cut out a hole & go fising in it. Apparently very dangerous except in Sherbrooke where the water is only waist deep anyway so if you did break through - you'd just be very cold.

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