dimanche, février 19, 2006

Warren's trip to Montreal

Here's the sickeningly happy couple. Yes it's official Warren is my new boyfriend and we truly are very happy. He drove 7 hours from Ontario to Montreal to visit me for the weekend. It was about 5 degrees in Kitchener when he left, and it was -18 with a wind chill of -30 when he got here. Also the day after he arrived Montreal had this freaky storm & the main highway was closed because of a 60 car pile up. There was ice everywhere.

The photo below of Warren in the wind storm was incredible - I had to hold onto him because the wind nearly blew me down the street. As you can see from the picture of Warren's car it was a little icy. We nearly got stuck because he parked in puddle but the puddle froze over, but with a push from Warren & me in my first driving experience in Canada - we got out. Mind you I only drove 2 feet. But it was fun driving with the gears on the right had side & sitting in the driver's seat in the left.

Anyway - we had a great time - we went & played at Ikea. Warren builds his own furniture so we were looking for ideas. . . .ok I did spend some money but it was worth it.

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