vendredi, février 24, 2006

More travelling - Sherbrooke

This week I went to Sherbrooke which is about an hour & half away from Montreal. It is a beautiful little country town with many snowfields nearby - some of the best in the Province apparently. I havent gone snowboarding yet but when I do - near Sherbrooke is where I'll go.

Here's my hotel room, a mural on a wall & a cute street in Sherbrooke. It was snowing those big white fluffy snowflakes when I arrived. It was enchanting. On the menu for breakfast was something in French called "Pamplemousse." After laughing hysterically I discovered that it was grapefruit juice.

I have become so Canadian I'm catching myself saying "herrrre" instead of the Aussie twang "heah" (here.) And also I've become a French Canadian as the other day I was talking about my Rideaux de douche (shower curtain ) & I couldnt remember the English word for it!! hahaha.

Its been a bit up & down weather wise. It can go from a mild -3 to a cold -18 with a wind chill of -30 in no time. I dont dare go out without thermals on these days. I cant afford any more toe freezing incidents. I think I look like a bright red Yeti in my Kanuk with only my nose & rosy cheeks poking out. More piccies of Sherbrooke to follow. . .

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