vendredi, décembre 16, 2005

Strange things about Montreal

This photo is directly outside my apartment. The white blob over the road & the other white blobs down the street are cars under snow!! And there were many of them like this. The other photo is a bus. . .in the snow. . . .broken down. The bus behind it is attempting to push it forward to get it unstuck. AllI saw to day were cars getting stuck, cars entirely under snow, & snow ploughs clearing the road. Yes that's ice hanging off the front of the bus but it's not that cold today; it's only -3. Yesterday when it was sunny was much colder at -22. Actaully I got quite warm, but not warm enough to take off my 4 layers of clothing, beanie, scarf & mittens! hahaha

Other strange things are:
* tv is in French mostly - even Aussie tv shows are dubbed
* you dont need ice water as it comes straight from the tap
* you have to carry a shovel in your car to dig your car out for obvious reasons
* out of 103 channels there's not much on - it's mostly ice hockey & shopping channels, even the standard channels just have talk shows all day, although I did watch CSI last night. But I bought a DVD player for $34 today so I can watch my DVD's. (Yes it plays Aussie ones)
* EFTPOS is called INTERAC - after a 5 minute discussion with my bank manager in Montreal we finally understood each other.
* you cant say "e" when spelling something as to them it's "i" you have to say "eh"
* dont leave any protruding bits of ear out under your beanie, it actually freezes, yes ice & all - I didnt realise it until it started hurting then I came home to have a shower to warm it up again.

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