jeudi, décembre 29, 2005

The Office

No I dont go to work in the plane - that's just where we went to lunch yesterday. The waiter looked at me oddly when I ordered a tea before lunch!

Nordia (where I work) is on the second floor at 3100 Cote Vertu (said with thick French accent)

And the other photo is of the front door inside the building. Not very exciting I know but I was trying to capture the Christmas lights as well. I'll take some photos of my desk space when I've prettied it up with photos & stuff.

On my way to the office today I had my first experience with black ice. This is when the snow & water freezes on the road or footpaths & is like trying walk on an ice skating rink. . . .only worse. This morning I have a little hill to go down to get to the train station. No locals were around so I couldnt see how to get down the footpath with sliding down the hill without being able stop. But I thought I'd be ok if I stayed near the thick snowy edge! Well after sliding on my butt for quite sometime providing ample entertainment for the local drivers I was able to regain composure & fight the traffic by walking down the middle of the road where there was no black ice.

So when I got to work I asked them how to deal with such situations. . . .they dont! There isnt a way to deal with it apart from doing what I did. And I felt even better when I saw pictures on the news of peole slipping all over the footpaths!! As long as my ass falling was just like the locals I'm happy!!!

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